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Perhaps you have been examining things a little more closely, turning them over in your mind. Assessing and reassessing the world around you; probing for answers or at least clues that might help to shed light on life’s fundamental meaning.

I have been doing that too. As a scientist and a writer, my inclination has been to discover hidden treasures, esoteric possibilities, new ideas and neglected corners.

The outcome of my explorations is a new essay collection titled Truth and Fantasy: Essays, published by Adelaide Books this month. It includes reflections drawn from my life, musings and questions — some of them inspired by conversations with you.

I hope you’ll join me on my mission to reevaluate the mundane and the fantastical. I’ve saved a seat for you, and I look forward to continuing the conversation and exploring new ideas together as we move into brighter times.



Online links to the articles, books and movies that inspired Truth and Fantasy. Organized by essay.